This is a poetry film directed by Jennifer Redmond of a translation created by Matthew Geden of a poem by Yairen Jerez Columbié. Another Summer in Ireland tackles themes of displacement, disconnection and identity. It looks at estrangement caused by social and cultural barriers. It attempts the dissolution of these barriers through the art of translation and explores how words and image might inhabit the screen without privileging one or the other creating an articulation in rhythm and pace – a semantic playground.


It’s been a while since I lost my shadow.
On days like this, on the walls beside me,
I glimpse her out of the corner of my eye,
but when I turn around
I find only a stain dissolving
in the grey façades.
Beneath the canopy of sky
I adjust my jacket collar
- make myself presentable -
surprised once more that walls aren’t mirrors.
I can’t recall when we last walked together,
my shadow and I,
side by side, or she ahead of me
taking Verano me to the park,
to school,
to the fields,
to the sea,
to some friend’s house.
My tall, dark, crooked shadow.
Would I know her if I saw her again? 

Otro Verano En Irlanda

(Cuban Spanish)
By Yairen Jerez Columbié

Hace ya tiempo que perdi mi sombra.     
En días como estos me parece verla
con el rabillo del ojo
sobre los muros a mi costado
pero al girarme sólo encuentro una mancha
que se deshace en el gris de las fachadas.
Bajo la capota del cielo
me arreglo el cuello de la chaqueta
por aquello de estar presentable
y vuelve a extraňarme
No recuerdo la Ultima vez
Que mi sombra y yo caminamos juntas
Codo con codo  
llevándome al parque
a la escuela
al surco
al mar
a la casa de algún amigo.
Mi sombra alta, oscura y angulosa.
La reconoceria si la volviera a ver?